Mammographic Image
Analysis Homepage


Digital mammography is a radiological examination where the breast image is captured using a special electronic x-ray detector. The image is converted into a digital mammographic image for review on a computer monitor or storing on a computer. The American College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) suggests a standardized method for breast imaging reporting. Terms have been developed to describe breast density, lesion features and lesion classification. Computer-aided detection (CADe) and computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) algorithms have been developed to aid radiologists in finding the suspicious breast abnormalities (lesions) and set up the accurate diagnosis.

The materials currently published on the web-site are what we believe every researcher in this area should read. Web-site is designed to be a portal, so you will notice numerous links to other research groups, links to relevant journals, books, databases etc. Another issue also worth mentioning is that this is a non-commercial, purely academic web-site.

On this Mammographic Image Analysis Homepage you can find:
  1. some general information about digital mammography, CAD and the structure of this web-site;
  2. information about changes/updates of this Mammographic Image Analysis Homepage;
  3. links to various research groups that work in the area of mammographic image analysis;
  4. link to Mammographic Image Analysis Research Community group (established in February 2009),
    where researchers can post questions and exchange ideas;
  5. interesting papers that deal with the mammographic image analysis (general papers, highly cited papers,
    published items vs. citations);
  6. new papers with most recent advances (the state-of-the-art) in mammographic image analysis;
  7. mammographic image databases used by researchers;
  8. mammographic image analysis algorithms with a few most representative papers for each algorithm;
  9. signs of disease (masses, calcifications, architectural distortion, bilateral asymmetry) with their short
    description followed by few representative research papers;
  10. source codes contributed by users (Matlab, C/C++, Java);
  11. list of conferences where papers on mammographic image analysis are welcomed;
  12. links to (high impact factor) journals which scope covers mammographic image analysis; information
    about some journal special issues; books on mammographic image analysis; and other related books;
  13. links to vendors developing digital mammography devices and technology;
  14. other related links;
  15. contact information.
Please feel free to inform all your colleagues who might be interested in this web-site. If you like the web-site yourself, please feel free to put a link to it on your web-page as well. Hopefully, this effort will increase the number of researchers in this area and improve the state-of-the-art in mammographic image analysis. Besides, we would be most grateful if you could send us any comments, suggestions and corrections that could improve Mammographic Image Analysis Homepage.

Mislav Grgic, Kresimir Delac & Jelena Bozek
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Department of Communication and Space Technologies, Video Communications Laboratory

© 2008-2025 VCL
Last update: March 1, 2009
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