Digital mammography is a radiological examination where the breast image is captured using a special electronic x-ray detector.
The image is converted into a digital mammographic image for review on a computer monitor or storing on a computer.
The American College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) suggests a standardized method
for breast imaging reporting. Terms have been developed to describe breast density, lesion features and lesion classification.
Computer-aided detection (CADe) and computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) algorithms have been developed to aid radiologists
in finding the suspicious breast abnormalities (lesions) and set up the accurate diagnosis. The materials currently published on the web-site are what we believe every researcher in this area should read. Web-site is designed to be a portal, so you will notice numerous links to other research groups, links to relevant journals, books, databases etc. Another issue also worth mentioning is that this is a non-commercial, purely academic web-site. |
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On this Mammographic Image Analysis Homepage you can find:
- some general information about digital mammography, CAD and the structure of this web-site;
- information about changes/updates of this Mammographic Image Analysis Homepage;
- links to various research groups that work in the area of mammographic image analysis;
- link to Mammographic Image Analysis Research Community group (established in February 2009),
where researchers can post questions and exchange ideas; - interesting papers that deal with the mammographic image analysis (general papers,
highly cited papers,
published items vs. citations); - new papers with most recent advances (the state-of-the-art) in mammographic image analysis;
- mammographic image databases used by researchers;
- mammographic image analysis algorithms with a few most representative papers for each algorithm;
- signs of disease (masses, calcifications, architectural distortion, bilateral asymmetry) with their short
description followed by few representative research papers; - source codes contributed by users (Matlab, C/C++, Java);
- list of conferences where papers on mammographic image analysis are welcomed;
- links to (high impact factor) journals which scope covers mammographic image analysis; information
about some journal special issues; books on mammographic image analysis; and other related books; - links to vendors developing digital mammography devices and technology;
- other related links;
- contact information.
Mislav Grgic, Kresimir Delac & Jelena Bozek
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Department of Communication and Space Technologies, Video Communications Laboratory